Friday, 27 November 2009
Friday, 13 November 2009
Friday, 16 October 2009
Change of plan
Friday, 2 October 2009
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Chosen Song
One way,or another, I'm gonna find ya;I'm gonna get ya get ya get ya get ya!
One way, or another, I'm gonna win ya;I'm gonna get ya get ya get ya get ya!
One way, or another, I'm gonna see ya;I'm gonna meet ya meet ya meet ya meet ya!
One day, maybe next week,I'm gonna meet ya, I'm gonna meet ya, I'll meet ya!
will drive past your house,And if the lights are all down,I'll see who's around...
One way, or another, I'm gonna find ya;I'm gonna get ya get ya get ya get ya!
One way, or another, I'm gonna win ya;I'll get ya! I'll get ya!
One way, or another, I'm gonna see ya;I'm gonna meet ya meet ya meet ya meet ya!
One day, maybe next week, I'm gonna meet ya;I'll meet ya! Ahhh
And if the lights are all out,I'll follow your bus downtown,See who's hangin' 'round!
One way, or another, I'm gonna lose ya;I'm gonna give you the slip!
A slip of the hip, or another;I'm gonna lose ya, I'm gonna trick ya!
I'll trick ya!One way, or another, I'm gonna lose ya;I'm gonna trick ya trick ya trick ya trick ya!One way, or another, I'm gonna lose ya;I'm gonna give you the slip!
I walked down the hall,Stand over by the wall,Where I can see it all
,Find out who ya call!Lead you to the supermarket checkout,
See speacials on rackThen get lost in the crowd!
One way, or another, I'm gonna get ya;I'll get ya, I'll get ya get ya get ya get ya!
One way, or another, I'm gonna get ya;I'll get ya, I'll get ya get ya get ya get ya!
One way, or another, I'm gonna get ya;I'll get ya, I'll get ya get ya get ya get ya!
One way, or another, I'm gonna get ya;I'll get ya, I'll get ya get ya get ya get ya!
One way, or another, I'm gonna get ya;I'll get ya, I'll get ya get ya get ya get ya!
Possible band name
The Manhattans
Fallen Angels
These are some of the band names that we liked. However we have choosen to go with Tanited Reality as we feel it represents the kinda of badn we want to create.
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Target Audience
Friday, 25 September 2009
Creating Our Music Artist
- Name: Tainted Feality
- Genre:Pop/Rock, Electropop and Dance
- Brief Description of Artist: Me and my partner are creating a girl band that contains 5 members all range between the ages 18-23. The girls would be attractive with their own individual style and voice
- Biography: The girls come from around the U.K and all have amazing but unique voices. Two of the girls are able to play the guitar and have know each other for years. The 5 members were all friends before forming a band. They are massive fans of Bannanarama, Bangles who have heavy influenced their music. They performed a number of charity concerts and have been a supporting act for Pink's recent U.K tours. Through this they have gain a wider fan base and now brunching out to do their own U.K tour. The dates are yet to be confirmed but will be put up on their website. The band have many upcome magazines interview and T.V appearances at award shows. they are also signed up for interview with T4 and two popular radio stations. A CD signing is arranged for when their single is released.
- How the artist's image will be constructed: The girls all have individuals style but all link within each others. The overall image of Tainted Reality with be sexy but with a sense of serious about the music. They write and produce their own music as they are passionate about their work.
- How will you use web-space: Tainted Reality will have their own website they advises their latest music and also gives the audience a chance to get to know the members. As well as this they will have a twitter page for each individual member that allows fans to follow them.
- Other gimmick and PR stunts: T.v appearnces on GMTV and Channel 4 and chances to record with other well know artist like Justin Timberlake and several others.
- Tainted Reality started by playing local gigs to gain a fan base once astblished they went on tour to support Pink they made their fan base grow. Now doing performances on Award shows and T.V
- There targert audience will be aimed at young girls to young women ranging from 13- 20 year old. Although their music may appear to many different people.
- With each indiviual CD a promontional code will be given to access the website, which will enter a fan into a draw to win front row tickets to upcoming tours. Also the digipack will have a singed photo of each memeber, song lyrics and band information.
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Rough Trade

An independent record label that I have researched is Rough Trade founded by Geoff Travis in 1978. Its started as a small music shop that grew and grew as they gained respect and audiences attention within the music industry. One of the main reasons why Rough Trade became so successful was that they targeted individual audiences and released unique music. This small audience gradually grew into a larger audience as the music started to appeal to a variety of people. The label originally specialised in European post-punk and other alternative rock bands which was different to what the other major record labels were releasing in the late 1970s.
Towards the end of 1979 a number of bands well-known to be with Rough Trade Records started to release successful albums such as Scritti Politti and The Raincoats. The success of the label which was now distributing many products from independent record labels was growing far to big for its small premises. This resulted in them having to move and so in December 1980 the label moved to Blenheim Crescent. Soon they signed the legendary 'The Smiths' which brought the label into a whole new direction in 1983 and explored onto the main steam music. However the success of 'The Smiths' eventully got to much for the label to handle and in 1991, the label and rights to the name Rough Trade were sold off in attempt to pay of distribution debts. After making through bankrupcy, Rough Trade was eventully relunched in 2000 porducing some of the most successful artists in the music industry such as Duffy. Who has become a senstional success and enabled Rough Trade to get back on it's feets.

Some of the bands which are signed to Rough Trade are:
The Libertines
The Raincoats
Scriiti Politti
The smiths

Thursday, 10 September 2009
Music video directors
Chris Applebaum studied film at hampshire university in amhurst massacusetts and began his career directing videos for alternative new rock bands. One of his early videos was seen by an MTV exsecutive and he was signed up at the young age of 19. Following this he became the youngest director to ever sign with a division of The Legendary Properganda. since this he has created 2 videos that have been inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame; semisonic's 'closing time' and fountains of wayne's 'stacys mom.' he has also helped establish many artists music careers such as Kelly Osborne and Hillary Duff and has continued the success of some mega star artists such as Britany Spears. His most recent award was the 2007 MTV Video of the year award for Rihannas Record breaking number 1 'Umbrella' and though still directing music videos Applebaum has also moved onto to comercial adverisments for high profile companys Covergirl, John Freda and Hugo Boss.
Here are some of Applebaum Fantastic videos.
Rihanna's UMBRELLA
This particular video of Chris Applebaum is highly stylised and shows that it was a multimillion dollar video to produce. He uses many special effects within the video to achieve this highly stylised look such as gold rain, Glossy appearance, sharp editing and blurring of shots. it is these special effects that make the music video appeal to it's audience. Rihanna is always the main focus within the frame and gives off alot of sex appeal within the outfits she had choosen to wear and choreographed dance routines. This parituclar music video is very different from her preivous ones and is very images based. It is the frist video from her 'Good Girl Gone Bad' album and trying to change her good image to an edgier one. Chris shows Rihanna's draker side by using muted colours such as grey and gold. This music video really launched Rihanna's career even though she was popular beforehand, this partiular single made her a megastar.
Another music video that he director was Natasha Bedingfield however he was asked to director the U.S version of her song Unwritten which also helped launch her career in the U.S. This partiular video is extremly different from Rihanna's music video and to Natasha's orginal version. Natasha herself appears to very much be the main focus of this video showing her close up in clear lighting. There is a small narrative within the video of the different people in the elevator but this is cut into shots of her on the grass. This video appears to be showing Natasha off to the American audience and introducing her into the U.S.
Some of his music videos include Britney Spears 'Rock and Roll' , Jessica Simspon, Vassena Hugens, Mandy Moore and Pussycat Dolls.
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Case Study on a Music Artist

I have chosen to do a case study on Christina Aguilera and look into how she has explored different types of images with each different album that she releases. Christina is a very successful pop singer and has exposed into a international star. Each time she produces a new album it is varied from her previous one and ensuring that she is always current. Her career began at when she was just a teenager and record 'Reflection' for a multimillion Disney movie Mulan. This was very successful and gained her a record contract with RCA Records. Her Debut album titled 'Christina Aguilera' was realised on 24 August 1999 and reached the top of the Billboard 200. This album portrayed her as an innocent girl that young teenagers would relate to. However Christina was dissatisfied with the music and image that her Record company had created for her 'Bubblegum pop' and decided to leave them.
Her second album 'Stripped' showed a very different side to Christina and showcased her raunchiness. It was instantly successful debuting at no2 on the Billboard charts but her amazing vocals were overlooked by her sexually provocative image. She had decided to go completely against her Bubblegum image and started to refer to herself as 'Xtina'. The first song off her new album was 'Dirrty' with it controverisal music video which was had a negative effect on her in the U.S. However this did not discourage Christina she claimed that "the image better reflected her true personality than the image she cultivated back in 1999". Despite all this the media attention the album was still a huge success and the song 'Beautiful' gain her a Grammy for best female pop vocal. This album allowed her to cross over into different genre such as R&B and Rock enabling her to appeal to a variety of different people. Christina was very much in control of her career and image. In attempt to further shift her innocent image she appeared in many sexy photo shoots such as 'Rolling Stones' where she appeared naked with only a guitar covering her and performing with the 'Pussycat Dolls' in the Viper room. This act is know for it's raunchy and sexy dancing. Christina was also caught in a major media story in which she kissed Madonna and Britney Spears at the MTV Music Awards during Madonna's song 'Like a Virgin. She had been successful of changing her image and portraying a different side to her.

Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Nickleback's 'Someday' Text Analysis
Aside for my absolute love for this band and this video I feel that the concept and the style in which it is done is excellent. Though not uncommon in its idea the execution of shots, angles and everything in between how each actor moves in relation to each other makes this a truly superbly designed video and one I enjoy watching over and over.
This idea of course is the central character being dead. Though he and the audience are unaware of this. The character repeatedly tries to communicate with other characters, typically a love interest, and through the manipulation of all those elements above the audience remains unaware that they are deceit and no longer seen. The discovery of such fact is made even more poignant in this video as death is only clearly shown when the love interest is killed also, When her ghost can finally see our protagonist it is clear he has been dead all along.
Though this great realisation doesn’t occur until the final scene there are many hints throughout the video which build up to this ending that display the true skill of the director. For instance the first narrative shot shows us a woman crying whilst looking at a newspaper, the paper we later discover contains an article on her partners death. However with the next scene of her throwing the paper combined with her packing a suitcase as described by the lyrics and the presence of her also upset partner we disregard the papers relevance and assume that anguish of the man is a result of an argument. Angles and misc-en-scene help this misinterpretation he is often in the background and so seen by the audience but not by the character. This is manipulation is also used in other scenes such as the car when he is bashing on the window. It is originally thought that his strong action are the cause of her upset and the result of her death though we later discover this is grief.
Another technique used within the video to enhance the narrative and style as well as to foreshadow the conclusion is special effects. One of the best examples is during the begging of the video in a seemingly insignificant shot. The alive woman steps through a puddle and leaves footprints behind her. She is then followed by the man who does not. The quick continuity editing of this hinting scene helps to enhance to brilliance of the video whilst not bluntly giving away the finale. Other hints similar to this include the shot of the paper seen previously and the shot of her rear view mirror which doesn’t show him running behind her. These hints though part of the overall narrative are also very carefully linked into the lyrics which state ’why weren’t we able to see the signs that we missed.’
The narrative and how it is established using media techniques is what I believe makes this video so powerful however as the video still is a promotional device for the band, the establishing and close up shots of the band playing and performing the song are also integrated within the video.
Panic At The Disco!
This is another one of my favourite music videos, this is because of the way that the band has choosen to represent the song. Throughout the whole video there appears to be a circus theme with face paint and freaky people, it appears to be very showy. However the video still has some relevance to the songs with its wedding scences that follow the lyrical narrative. This narrative is of course broken towards the end and replaced with a ciruseque dance scene. The lead singer is defintately portrayed as the main foucus throughtout the video and maintains the domance within each scence.
All American Rejects
This music video by All American Rejects has to be one of my favourites. I like how the video connects to the song and helps the audience connected to the song also. The quick cuts and continuously moving also make this video affective to it's target audience.